🕑 2 minutesIt seems we have entered a multiverse in the US. The Roe v. Wade overturning has turned…
327 November 2020
My Octopus Teacher: Unexpected Siren on Love vs. Law
🕑 5 minutesOh dear, I saw My Octopus Teacher on Netflix and had such a strong reaction I had…
131 May 2019
Diamonds & Pencils: Become the Hero of Your Own Story
🕑 3 minutesEncouraging memes can fall flat when you’re in the middle of a firestorm. My experience is that…
018 March 2019
10 Life & Sex Lessons Mom Never Told Me: #6- Don’t Ever Be Ashamed, We’re all Jacked
🕑 4 minutesDay 6 from the #UnashamedList Series. Written especially for youth or young adults navigating sexual integrity, porn…