🕑 2 minutesLife. Would it be easier to run ahead? To dive, to fly? If you couldn’t see obstacles…
010 March 2019
#UnashamedList of 10 Life & Sex Lessons Mom Never Told Me [Series Starts Here]
🕑 4 minutes[This series was posted in 2019–Man, X-rays from my soul.. But the series was always about being…
126 February 2019
WWVD? 9 Life Hacks from Voltron, Legendary Defender
🕑 6 minutesThe new Voltron (Netflix) blows my mind. I never saw the original (ahem, Thunder Cats), but 30…
019 November 2018
Love, Law & Christianized Hate: One Bible Verse to Flip the Script
🕑 4 minutesWhat do you think? Is it possible for a religion claiming inspiration from a humble, foot-washing, dying-on-behalf-of-“haters”-…