🕑 5 minutes I live in a country that likes pigeonholes. Fit in, don’t make a scene, don’t ask questions.…
05 February 2024
Fever: A Little Burn in The Body vs Passion, or Something Deeper Altogether?
🕑 3 minutes “Fever” is a word used across cultures and generations. You give me fever, dancing fever, oh no…
015 August 2023
Want a New Name? You’re Covered!
🕑 3 minutes How many times could you use some encouragement? When you’re about to try something new, or get…
129 June 2022
God Respects People More than People? Roe v Wade and the Christian Conundrum.
🕑 2 minutes It seems we have entered a multiverse in the US. The Roe v. Wade overturning has turned…