🕑 5 minutesNote: This is no ode to the Peaky Blinders, though I just finished all six seasons, because,…
013 September 2021
The Real Tree is the one with dead leaves. (Friendly Reminder on Real Life)
🕑 2 minutesIt’s Monday, sun is shining, and aside from kids blowing their noses and water pulling on the…
019 July 2021
Can we do this with our eyes closed? Mic Check.
🕑 2 minutesLife. Would it be easier to run ahead? To dive, to fly? If you couldn’t see obstacles…
115 March 2019
10 Life & Sex Lessons Mom Never Told Me: #5- The “Everything But Sex” Approach Doesn’t Work
🕑 4 minutesDay 5 from the #UnashamedList Series. Written especially for youth or young adults navigating sexual integrity, porn…