🕑 7 minutesHey dear reader, if you popped here looking for porn, but maybe actually want to kick the…
216 June 2020
Pick a Fight, Warrior
🕑 4 minutesNot just your health, how’s your Heart these days? <3 2020 locked our world down, and just…
016 May 2019
Trump Appointed by God??!
🕑 4 minutesI cry write about the rift between American “Christianity,” and God’s Heart. Before Donald Trump was elected…
11 April 2019
10 Life & Sex Lessons Mom Never Told Me: #10. Sex = A-Bomb, for Better or Worse
🕑 4 minutesFinal post in #UnashamedList series. Written especially for youth navigating issues like sexual integrity, porn addiction, (sexual)…