Arguably, no position in the world is more powerful than that of the President of the United States. No world leader, nor world power, has held more moral, social, cultural, military, financial, sway –-dare I say swag— as the US.
But things have come undone. Half of Americans experienced President Trump term 1 like a crocodile death spiral, twisting news break after news break of policies, executive orders and inflaming tweets that literally tore families apart, put vulnerable groups in (mortal) danger, and teetered our world on the brink.

Having survived those years, and the following four of President Biden, it was amazing to see normalcy and common decency become akin to “boring.”
Now the position of President has been strengthened beyond constitutional reckoning through a Supreme Court ruling for President Trump regarding immunity.
Presidential power has officially become ‘uncheckable.’
One man or woman can be above the law, or, be themselves the highest power.
The Power of One to hurt or heal is real.
But in the midst of crazy, one clarion moment stands like a beacon in this universe.
The moment President Biden rescinded his presidential campaign, aka the most powerful position in the world, to allow another human room for the office.

Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely. But not always.
What did Biden’s action prove?
Some chide weakness, others applauded strategy, but one cannot–must not— miss the sheer, utter humility and integrity needed to both make and take such a decision.
This Has Never Happened Before.
“Each tree is known by its own fruit. Indeed, figs are not gathered from thorn bushes, nor grapes from brambles. The good man brings good things out of the good treasure of his heart, and the evil man brings evil things out of the evil treasure of his heart.
For out of the overflow of the heart the mouth speaks.” (Luke 6:44-45)

What would former President Trump have done in the same position?
Maybe we glimpsed this four years ago. Regardless, he or any supporter could simply argue:
- It would be a dereliction of his duty.
- He did nothing wrong so why should he step down?
- He is God appointed and God anointed.
- Standing down is for cowards, losers, suckers..
To any Christian reading this, right-wing or otherwise: Didn’t God do the same?
Not once, twice, but maybe three or more times.
Jesus eschewed royalty when the town tried to king him. The devil offered all world kingdoms but Jesus said no. Even the cross, arguably, was a show of Jesus exercising– not his rightful power and authority, but rather humility and submission to His God and calling.
And consider God stepping down into human form, as the Christmas story goes. Talk about humility.

A hand of great power shows absolute power when it shows restraint. Maybe because it then also has achieved power over self. And the humility needed to maneuver like this, in the most powerful position in the world, would have to be God-sized, super human.
Biden did it.
There are Christians welcoming Trump like a second coming of God. They wave away (or welcome) the violence, anger and calls for retribution as if it was God the Lion. But Look out. The lamb that died on the cross will return Himself, not through another.

In these crazy times, when the role and impact of the U.S. is uncertain, and when the very images we see, and sound bites we hear can be manipulated, it will be critical to look at character, integrity, and good deeds, especially to the vulnerable.. (“foreigners and strangers ” as the bible often refers to it), to help light the way.

And when in doubt, or batsh*t crazy, there’s always a free download of “Ready for Crazy,” waiting for you.
Related Posts:
There’s been LOT’s happening on the intersection of Christianity and Trump-ism. Questioning or wth-ing? I’ve got you:
- [Biblical Danger Zone] When Hate = Acceptable and Love = Laughable
- Trump Appointed by God?? A Clue from the Presidential Coin
- God Respects People More than People? Roe v. Wade & The Christian Conundrum
- Dear Christians at the Feet of Trump
- Freedom from Power & Glory-Seeking on Independence Day
- Submissive God? 3 Examples of Mankind’s Freedom to Blow Your Mnid
- Humble God: 3 Examples of God Gentleness to Help Break Our God Hate
- Jesus: Homeless, Refugee, “Moocher” not Welcome in Today’s Church?
- God Wouldn’t Fly First Class: 3 Surprising Reasons Streets are Gold in Heaven
- Goodness Trumps Greatness, Every Time
- Batsht & Bullsht: Maybe that Mess Was People, Not God
- Open Letter to President-Elect Trump (2016)
Hey, this is Jasmine! How do you see power vs. humility? And the US presidency? Post a comment below! And don’t forget to follow the blog via Homepage for an email when the next post drops.
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*ps, I use He & His as simple pronouns for God (God/Love/The Universe), but fully recognize God with male and female “identity” (for lack of a better word) as demonstrated throughout the Bible and most blatantly through humanity. Related post, Transgender God, here.