Note: This is no ode to the Peaky Blinders, though I just finished all six seasons, because, quite frankly, this series suprised me, smashed expectations and my own prejudices, smacked my heart more than a few times, and, as you can see, triggered me enough to write a post.
Heads up: This is an R-rated and sometimes X-rated series. 🙏🏽Please don’t watch if sensitive to violence and excessive sex (which you can fast forward, AND which does taper off in following seasons, but still). Don’t feel compelled to watch after reading this post.
Now, here are some Leadership and Life Lessons from the infamous Tommy Shelby! Drum roll please–
Lesson 1: Preparation, Preparation, Preparation.
Tommy was a master of seeing around corners. Actually, he could see around entire blocks. Many times you watch his strategy play out like a who-dun-it murder mystery, and understand only later that an amazing amount of pre-planning was involved.
Is there something on your radar that feels too big for you? Maybe a distant dream or hidden hope? Maybe simply a big project you are dreading?
Take a moment to stop. Step back. Survey. Plan the thing, maybe even backwards (so-called ‘backcasting‘).
It may feel like stopping a train, but your results will be all the better for it.
Lesson 2: Never Mistake Kindness for Weakness.
Sure, they had weapons in their brims. Sure, everyone was afraid of them. But there was a hidden gem of kindness in both Tommy’s and Arthur’s heart. (especially Arthur).
Kindness and softness are characteristics some leaders shun as weakness. 🤢
But there is great power in moments of Mercy. And no one would dare question nor challenge the Shelbys.
Are there opportunities in your day where you can show some extra kindness? Positions of power you hold where a little more grace can be extended?
(Especially if you are a parent, one of the most important and overlooked positions of “power” in the universe).
Lesson 3. Humility is Strength – or – Don’t take Offense.
(thought provoker for anyone claiming to be Christian, yet looking to Trump as a guide–think: name calling, revenge, mocking, violence-promoting, etc…).
In one episode, someone rudely throws a coin(?) on the floor at Tommy’s feet. That was a shock enough. But then the man demands Tommy pick up the coin. Like a servant. Like some whipping boy.
The audacity of this incident is so extreme Tommy’s whole crew are ready to slaughter everyone present.
But Tommy, to viewer and Shelby shock, bends down to retrieve the coin.
Not unlike Jesus during the capture to the cross affair, where Peter slices the ear of a soldier in Jesus’ s defense, but Jesus says that with a word he could call God to dispatch legions of angels to his aide, aka put your sword down, Peter.
It’s a tactic. It’s wisdom. Above all, it’s Restraint.
Self Control is a hard won commodity these days.
Tommy both sees and focuses on the End Game. In an instant, if he didn’t swallow his pride and instead took offense (and rightly so) at the outlandish gesture and demand, all plans they crafted would crumble.
He could’ve moved from his flesh. An understandable knee jerk reaction to the big F-you his opponent laid out.
But Tommy is a Boss. He didn’t lose his cool, didn’t succumb to temper.
Stay true to your course. Know your worth comes from within, not any B S statements, gestures, paperwork or moves without.
Sometimes we stay quiet, sometimes we speak up. But in all things, our time will come.
Timing, sometimes it’s not about us..
Lesson 4: Loose Lips Sink Ships.
(or, you don’t have to catch every ball thrown at you.)
It was dramatic how many times someone asked Tommy a question and he just kept on his programme. He didn’t try to divert attention with witty remarks, or by posing questions back. He just carried on as if they didn’t ask him a thing.
How many times do we feel we need to answer everything everyone asks, dumps, or tells us? You Don’t.
Tommy was a master at moving through conversation and giving nothing away. I, on the other hand, am prone to second guessing myself or even feeling guilty if I don’t catch all the asks or demands thrown my way.
I watch Tommy walk casually past so many asks like they didn’t exist. Not with disrespect, just with focus and calm. It’s a wonder.
Are you dropping your ball because you’re trying to catch too many others?
Lesson 5: Surround yourself with those who love and appreciate you. People who know and affirm your worth.
This is a bedrock principle in the series. This is bedrock to our wellbeing, period.
Tommy could not have survived his trials, not to mention death threats, nor achieved so much without the love and support of his family.
Sound corny? Eat up.
What’s important to note is that even when family didn’t understand, or agree, they still supported him, had his back. Sure they might challenge him (not in public), and he would always listen to their counsel.
That’s also humble, and good leadership: Knowing you don’t have it all.
Lesson 6: You may be your own worst enemy. Mind your mind.
How many dreams have been killed by self-doubt? How many ideas slain by self-sabotage?
SPOILER ALERT: The Peaky Blinders stood or fell with Tommy. And while he had many, and powerful foes, from all angles and dynamics, he couldn’t be beat. (in part because of all these aforementioned lessons).
But in the end Tommy gets a terminal diagnosis.
We all saw it coming. It already took out his daughter.
He settles affairs, goes off to wait for the end, comes to a peaceful place and is ready to take his own life, on his own terms. With his own hand.
And just at that moment, his little girl comes running, ‘daddy, it’s a lie…you’re not sick..!’
The Great Tommy Shelby could only be beat by The Great Tommy Shelby.
Are you getting in your own way? Did you tell yourself you couldn’t do the thing? Are you giving yourself grief about past mistakes, or dwelling in current fears?
Lighten up. Don’t take yourself so seriously.
Tommy almost ended his life because he started believing what he was seeing and what he was told on the outside. But there’s always a brighter inner fire in us.
Tap into your strength. Shut the tap on your negative inner monologue. At least for a moment. And then for another. 👊🏽
These were the six lessons on leadership and life I nabbed from Thomas. Which do you have?
Share in the comments, we can all use and share the encouragement!
🖤inFormation is a space for sharing thoughts that aim for the heart of a matter. And a place for geeking on God/Love/The Universe and words. Hope you find some inspiration here. <3
ps: The Book is here! “Ready for Crazy: Pocket Guide to the End of the World” Free download!
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Another great & insightful post with solid life lessons we can take to heart and apply. I know I will. Thanks, Jasmine!