Is it so simple? We were enjoying an outdoor wedding and it was like heaven touched down– the weather, the people, music, everything was amazing. So much freedom and fun, especially for the kids. We stayed all night long.
When a speaker shared about the Adam/Eve story, full heart and humor, I got hit:
If Eve was made for/from Adam so he wouldn’t be lonely, maybe God made all of us for the same reason? [-click to tweet-]
God, lonely? Ridiculous! Blasphemous!
Ok, but here’s a question: did you ever experience a great place, delicious food, or sick beat and not want to share it with someone?
This “I’m my beloved’s, my beloved is mine,” tattoo comes from a bible verse reflecting an insane, equal longing and belonging of two lovers. It’s also symbolic for the passion between God and the World (think eg, magnetic poles).
“I pray that God somehow turns you back into one of my ribs so I don’t have to spend an entire day without you… “ (Rudy Francisco, ‘To the Girl Who Works At Starbucks’ – @WanPoetry, #WriteAboutNow, video below)
This Poem… Oh, Deep.
A relationship with God?? What about all that ‘Master/Lord & Servant’ stuff churches taught/teach?
Yes, we can know and trust that there’s a force of Love greater than us. But Jesus tried to lift our understanding by expressly calling us Friends. He also pointed to the purest and most un-wrecked concept of “Parent” ever (including God’s Motherhood). But the idea of God as e.g. Dancing Partner or Humble Lover is so raw and sometimes dangerous– you can make God an idol; I know, it happened to me.
And what lover wants a “yes” partner?
Should someone always agree with me? Don’t we desire a partner who thinks for themselves, who’ll bring a challenge, who’ll dare to share from their heart and experiences? Come, let us reason together. Sure, God knows everything, but I believe there’s absolute space for Us.
The Wisdom of God is peaceful, pure, yielding… (James 3:17)
No healthy relationship works without Equality.
Can we handle verses that say we’re being made like Christ, aka God? (Identity/Divinity/Truth). Can we handle a God/Love that doesn’t say “Do as you’re told,” but instead turns the board to us? We’re never alone in life and decisions, but how do we forget that a God who says, “I stand at the door (of your heart) and knock” is not a commandeering God? Why would the bible advocate praying for God’s Will, if that’s all that was happening in the world?
“What we will be has not yet been made known. But when Christ appears, we will be like Him/God, for we will see Him as He is..” (1 John 3:2)
Marriage is a Symbol the Bible uses…
It shows the relentless, arguably reckless love Jesus (or God) has as “Groom” for humanity (or church) as “Bride.” You fuse love, combine strengths, become One. These days, two consenting adults committing to a life of love and faithfulness is so daring, radical and life-altering/shattering, it must be “holy.” š <3
So while we wait, we Rock.
If God metaphorically took us from *His Rib, we better believe a day is coming when we’ll see each other Face to Face. And if God can sing Bieber, rock Drum & Bass, or serenade through “Cake by the Ocean“, not to mention the real ocean, aurora borealis, twinkling stars, massive trees, the breeze caressing your skin… there must still be surprises up *His sleeve. (Get God-serenaded in the Sam Smith/Flume remix below, be sure to catch the longing from 2:52 –pretty orgasmic, straight from eg Acts 17:27).
But Jasmine, a real God doesn’t need anything.
True. But it doesn’t mean God doesn’t Want something. If Jesus is praying 24/7 on humanity’s behalf (Heb 7:25) there must be plenty to desire, from ending all oppression and the roots, to breaking every wall between people’s hearts…
But maybe the greatest mystery is God’s honest-to-God longing for you and me. How can the One who knows our worst be the One who wants us most? –click to tweet–
I get lost (some say “worship”) in this song. When I listen I barely know who’s singing: me, God, or both? (I’m my beloved’s and my beloved is mine–#GetCrazy). [“Latch” by Disclosure + Sam Smith]
And maybe that’s why Adam ate the apple.
We’ve heard many reasons and mostly blame (ahem) on this, but I’m thinking Adam joined in because he was too in love, too committed, too invested– heart, soul and flesh– with Eve. Whatever trouble was coming he was going to be right in it with her. That’s what love does, is. Faithful. Self-sacrificing. All in.
Like Jesus.
Other posts on this line:
–Playing Hard to Get with God or the Other Way Around?
–“50 First Dates” with God
–God Sings Bieber: Hearing God’s Heart on the Radio
–God Loves Drum & Bass: Keep Calm or Let Loose
–Save a Planet or Save a Party: What Jesus’ First Miracle Reveals about God’s Heart
*I use āHeā and āHisā as simple pronouns for God but fully recognize God with both male and female āidentityā (for lack of a better word), as demonstrated throughout the Bible, but most fully through humanity itself. More on this in a post: āTransgender Godā here. Or check Glennon Doyle’s, “Love Letter to a Transgender Teen on Spirit Day” here.
Photo Credits:
Firstly, shout out to Unsplash for providing great content for collaboration!
-Cover photo, created by me. Original image by George pagan iii via unsplash.
-Photo collage from my friends’ wedding. Please msg me if you’d like to use somewhere.
-Picture of Victoria Beckham tattoo here.
-B/W wedding photo from
-Little girl caterpillar looking in mirror, to butterfly, sourced here.
-“For God so Loved the World…” image created by me (text refs bible verse John3:16), original background image by Ryoji Iwata on Unsplash.