Why doesn’t Lightning come down straight? It’s ferocious and 5x hotter than the surface of the sun, so shouldn’t it just, literally, charge down?
I never gave lightning much thought until I heard a Capital Kings track, Forever. One lyric line, “I feel Your Lightning in my veins,” touched something in my heart and I was inspired to find lightning wallpaper for my phone. As I admired it, I realized how much lightening looks like our veins…
I played the song with kids one Sunday morning in church and we had fun checking veins in our arms, legs, neck, face and acknowledging how Lightening-y they looked! (And we rocked that track!)
But why does lightning Zig Zag anyway, and is there any pattern or symmetry like the magical, mathematical Fibonacci sequence? That crazy math appears throughout nature, from broccoli and pine cones, to flowers petals and maybe strawberry seeds too (TYSM Vi Hart for your eye and great ability to share math wonder)!
While no pattern for lightning has been found (is anyone even looking?), the zig zag relates to resistance from charged particles in the atmosphere.
Say What? How can something 5x hotter than the surface of the sun (53,540 F vs. 10,340 F) be looking for AND taking a path of least resistance on its way to the ground??
And it got me thinking about God…
Pursuing a path of least resistance implies a gentleness and humility rare for mankind if Power is present. How many tender Tycoons do you know? Does the current U.S. President–arguably the most powerful man in the word– give a different example?
When Jesus headed for Jerusalem he was blocked by Samaritans. The disciples asked if they should call fire from Heaven to strike the ‘offenders,’ but Jesus rebuked them strongly for such wrong thinking. He simply rerouted.
No retaliation, no Tweet comebacks. This was his norm: if he wasn’t welcome somewhere, he just kept going. (For those of us striving for peace and good at all costs, yet facing continual opposition–sometimes most strongly from God’s Own Household– we too are advised: shake the dust from your feet and Move On).
Our lives can do the zig zag dance and it may feel we’re going nowhere, or worse, the wrong way. But the truth is, God moves like this too.. We’re not dancing alone.
“I stand at the door and knock…” (Revelation 3:20) and anyone recognizing God as “God” realizes the absurdity of this verse– the One Who made the Door and holds the Key, is the One who Knocks…??
Gentleness is a real trademark of love and God Is Love. Some church goers sing “Lord, have Your Way!, ” but with thought and action they may give Him no room. Even using the word “Lord” can mean nothing. (meanwhile Jesus calls us Friends and Brothers, not Servants… Do we understand this concept of God as Friend? Do we know *His longing to be BFF’s with us??).
If you see lightning’s path, you can marvel at the humility and gentleness of a Powerful God. “Love does not seek it’s own,” and ‘God’s Wisdom yields’ are bible verses that affirm this Truth. Keeping these things in mind can give courage when things get hard or crazy on earth.
But the big question is do we–you and me– allow God to “move,” or are we cause for sidesteps? Does our religion confine or liberate *Him? Do our ideas on race, gender, culture, status, etc., limit His Heart?
Regardless of your answer, or what you see happening in the world, don’t despair.
Love, like Lightning, always finds a Way.
*I use He/His as pronouns for God, but fully recognize God with male and female “identity” (for lack of a better word) as evidenced by the Human race and throughout the Bible. For more, see this two part post, Transgender God here.
For more on our Freedom over God, see “Submissive God- 3 Bible Verses exposing Man’s Freedom that may Blow Your Mind”.
Be sure also to check: “3 Examples of God’s Gentleness to Help Break Our God Hate.”
Want more crazy/awe-inspiring nature boosts? Check:
-That Hexagon on Saturn’s North Pole
–And Rainbows are full Circles— Wow, thanks NASA <3
Dear Ms. Heart in Formation.
I appreciate this awesome and powerful piece of thinking. I always appreciate how, in your writing, you find the beauty, heart and God’s love and message in – at times mundane, at times overlooked – daily occurrences, along with interesting and fun facts. In this piece I first learned about Fibonacci Sequence. So cool!!!
And, that you could find a way to connect the extreme heat and design of lightening, and the cool chill and design of snowflakes, is brilliant and masterful.
Thanks for another great, thought-provoking, uplifting read!