Today is a grey, rainy day. My home is a bit chilly and everyone is sleepy. In our spirits, we can experience “grey days”–and that may be putting it mildly. We can feel dark clouds of gloom, hopes dashed, spirits crushed, lonely in a deep pit. But like the grey day, somewhere in the sky there is the sun…
I may not see it, I sure don’t feel it’s warm rays on my face, but that doesn’t mean it’s not there. Clouds, storm, hail, darkness, but the sun is there still.
Sometimes I doubt about God. Sometimes it feels like *He’s not even there. But all day long the stars are shining bright. Not one is missing, though I can’t see any. Only in the darkness do they appear for me.
Keep your hope, keep faith. Just because you can’t see something with your eyes, doesn’t mean it’s not there. Just because you see no way out, doesn’t mean it’s not around the corner. Or just because you’ve heard “no” for the 9th time, doesn’t mean your case is closed.
God/Love/The Universe sees us, even if we can’t “see” back. And more importantly, we’re Loved.
Don’t forget the stars shine during the daytime!
Check this clip and see if you can’t hear the Sky itself speaking. Lyrics here.
Amen! This is very well said and very encouraging. Great post, very positive! Thanks for sharing.
Thanks so much for your encouragement +2! Blessings to you, Jasmine
Between your piece and the Coldplay video, this is uplifting, edifying and encouraging. It helps us to have hope in the darkness, remembering that daylight will always follow any dark period. God is good/is love. Made me think about renewal, innocence, love, awesome beauty all around us, freshness, deepbreathing clean air, going back to the beginning, feeling alive and glad to be alive. Thanks for sharing.
Awesome! Thanks so much for sharing! I’d love to read a post from you about: ” Made me think about renewal, innocence, love, awesome beauty all around us, freshness, deep breathing clean air, going back to the beginning, feeling alive and glad to be alive.” When will you write it?