
  1. I really needed this today. I am trying to serve God and point others to Him and now my family is under attack in the Spiritual realm. Jesus’s truth is so wonderful and free and the Devil is doing everything He can to discourage those of us who want to share these truths. Thanks for stopping by. I am praying special blessings over you and your family today.

    1. Hey Dear Mary, thanks so much for stopping by and blessing me by letting me know this post encouraged you! I pray you will stand strong in the storm and keep your hearts full of love. When Peter was coming out onto the water its not like it was all peaceful at sea. The wind was “boisterous”–there are troubles in our days. But remember to turn your eyes now and again from the storm to the King of the storm. You might feel peace flow into your heart immediately–I have..
      About sharing…I read a beautiful quote once–‘always tell about Jesus..if necessary, use words..’ If you carry Love, you carry His Fragrance! Praying for peace in your heart and mind, may you be assured that nothing will come against you that hasn’t passed The Father first. (please know I am encouraging myself as I am writing this to you!)
      You are so very loved. Hugs from Holland and thanks so much for the follow,
      Happy to “meet” you,

  2. My personal mercy is dangerously low as well and I can find forgiving myself for mistakes a hard thing to do at times. Sometimes I just want to get off the bike but only through His strength do I keep moving forward. I love the whole bike analogy. Bravo to you for this post…loved it!

    1. Hey Rosie, Thanks so much for the visit and sharing. I wonder if it’s so hard to forgive myself because something in me says if I do, I let myself off the hook….its so hard to put into practice that God paid for eveything already. I can never make a contribution for a fault. Im like the girl going shopping with Dad–and everytime I try to pay, He tells me, nope, already paid for it. But I want to pay for it!! Sorry, you can’t–you never could…–
      Let’s be gals who let ourselves off the hook more often and just accept the new coat of His Righteousness everytime we go to the “store.” 😉
      Thanks again for your encouragement!, Jasmine

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